Home Remodeling in West Houston Since the 1980s
Get your free kitchen and bathroom remodel estimate today!
Washer / dishwasher leaks, flood water to broken pipes, we can help you.
Convert tubs to showers, change out tile, or complete make-over. We have in-house plumbing experience to discuss options and costs. We don’t have to bring others to your home to provide you a cost estimate.
Just replace old cabinets and countertops or a whole new design, we have the experience to meet your desires.
About Us
We area conservative based business and have desires to provide our services to like-minded Texans.
A favorite quote we live by … “Always do what’s right; this will gratify some and astonish the rest,” Albert Einstein.
We are committed to the following guiding principles.
Trust, honesty, and respect is the foundation of our firm. Your home is a major asset, and you shouldn’t trust it’s care to just anyone and we will care for it as if it were our own. Through honesty, we build trust with our clients. We will respect your home, your time, and your money. We take responsibility for our actions … good or bad … we own our mistakes.
We provide “hands-on” service. What does this mean? It means we supervise each and every detail of your project. You won’t be left in a situation where you have to “micro-manage” any part of your project. We manage every project on a daily basis with an “eyes on & hands on” approach. When we run into unexpected issues, and we will, we communicate those situations immediately to you and discuss options with our recommendation.
Without quality, a contractor will cease to exist in a given market and we are proud to say that we have been serving the West Houston and Katy area since 2007. We have our roots in Katy and all three of our children have attended the same elementary, middle and high school (Bonnie Holland, Beckendorf, and Seven Lakes). We have helped teachers and neighbors with their repairs/projects, and regularly receive referrals … the highest and best complement of all. We look forward to meeting you and helping you with your project.
Areas of Houston we service - West Houston area South of I-10 and North of 90, West of Voss and East of Fulshear
Our Team
We area family business!
Michael Cox is a managing member for Leslie Dee LLC. He has roots in the construction industry through his father and grandfather. Mr. Cox remodeled his first home in 1984. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Texas Tech University in 1983.
Stephanie Cox is the operations manager. She has 20+ years of experience in the construction industry. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Texas Tech University in 1995.
Gracelyn Cox is attending college at UNC Ashville, and she provides general bookkeeping services remotely. Gracelyn is a student athlete and is studying to become an orthopedic surgeon.
Saylor Cox is attending Seven Lakes High School and provides general office services. Saylor is a student athlete and she plans on attending Texas Tech University.
Joseph Cox III is attending Seven Lakes High School. He is a working job manager and has been working with his father since he was 13 years old. He is a student athlete and plans on attending Texas Tech University in the College of Engineering.
Independent Contractor Team
We demand excellence from all of our contractors, and we work with them closely to insure the production of a high-quality finished product.
RobertL. has 20+ years of experience in painting and drywall repair and texture matching.
Glen G. has 35+ years of experience as a carpenter and general remodeling work.
Porfirio B. has 25+ years of experience as a carpenter and cabinetry installation work.
Balbi P. has 14+ years of experience producing wooden custom cabinet doors.
Israel R. has 18+ years of experience with stone and quartz fabrication/installation.
Marcelino R. has 22+ years of experience with laminate and engineered flooring installation.
Julius J. is a 3rd generation tile installer (75+ years combinedexperience).
Rafael M. has 30+ years of experience in exterior siding, general exterior repairs and fence repair.
Danny J. has 40+ years of experience with wooden and metal fence new construction.
Araibyth S. has 8+ years of experience with wooden and metal gate repair and new construction.
Brandon O. is a 2nd generation brick installer (70+ years combinedexperience).
Jose M. has 18+ years of experience with newand replacement window installation.
Wil C. has 17+ years of experience with concrete flatwork.
Leon B. has 40+ years of experience with structural concrete pours.
Andrew G. & Michael C. have 45+ years of experience with foundation repair.
Gilbert B. has 16+ years of experience with new and repair rain gutters.
Tommy D. has 50+ years of experience with new and roofing repair work.
Fred G. has 40+ years of experience with shower enclosures and custom mirrors.
Odesio R. has 8+ years of experience with installation and removal of seasonal decorative lighting.
Seranella G. has 35+ years of experience with after construction cleaning services.
Licensed Sub-contractors
Greg H.– engineer.
Robert Jose J. – plumber.
Terrance L. – electrician.
Doug T.– HVAC (heating and air conditioning)
Kitchen Remodels
Design you dream kitchen in whatever style you desire.
Bathroom Remodels
Bathroom updates that will enhance the value of your home.
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